About Us
Shi-Shi Design, based in Shoreline, Washington, USA, is the collaborative effort the mother-daughter team Linda Rush and Sella Rush. We create wearable artistic jewelry using primarily natural stone and metals. We named our business after Shi-Shi Beach (pronounced shy-shy) on the Washington coast, reflecting our strong affinity with land and see.
We work hard to find unusual materials for our pieces. Most of our pieces are one of a kind, inspired by the material in our hands.
Linda Rush

Linda started jewelry-making when the family decided to have a "homemade" Christmas. She's never looked back. Initially working with glass and crystal, Linda has lately been combining highly unusual materials to stunning effect. She says: "I think its exciting that we can bring some of the beautiful natural world into our daily lives." Linda's favorite thing to do is wander through tidepools in Pugest Sound, unless shw can cajole someone to take her white-water rafting.
Sella Rush

A writer by vocation and inclination, sometimes it's good to walk away from the computer and work with your hands. Discovering jewelry making (that same homemade Christmas) opened whole vistas filled with new skills and cool tools. Working primarily with stone and metal, Sella's favorite part of jewelry design is figuring out the right technique to achieve the look she wants.